
Day One Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Eight

If you're thinking that I had to break out some serious math skills to figure out that title up there, you're right. Ok fine, calculator skills. But still, I owe it to myself - and to 2009. I've got to be able to pull out one more post before the year ends in a couple of hours, right? So here goes...

Goodbye 2009, the year that I not only found my first gray hair, but also my second and third as well. This actually didn't bother me as much as I would have expected. Ok, yes, my first reaction was, "Really?! REALLY?!?!?" But then I started to look at it as an opportunity for new experiences. Seeing how I've never dyed my hair before, I figured maybe this is God's way of telling me to spice things up and try something new. I mean heck, this blog was originally started to document my reinvention. And trying out a new hair color would seem an appropriate thing to do in the new year.

But what really got me was when that fourth gray hair popped up just a couple of weeks ago as an eyelash. Yes, you read that right, AN EYELASH! I didn't even know it was possible to go gray in your eyelashes! What kind of a cruel joke is that? I mean, c'mon, now I have to start dyeing my hair AND wearing mascara every day?

It's like 2009 is trying to push me over the edge. Like it looked at me square in the face and said, "Well you handled everything else so well this year...the new job, weight gain, losing your home of ten years, your dog dying. You're one tough cookie, you can take anything so, here, have a gray eyelash!"

Well I will have you know, 2009, that your little mind games will not defeat me. Sure, I battled with a lot of transition this year, and faced my fair share of obstacles, but who didn't? Let's not forget all of the wonderful things that happened as well. That new job turned out to be the first job I've ever had where I feel truly valued and appreciated. And the new house? I love every square inch of it. Not to mention that we had so many people rallying around us while we were house hunting and when we moved into the new place, I halfway expected to hear Ty Pennington's bullhorn calling out "Move that bus!" to our new neighborhood.

You know what else 2009? We made some really great friends this year, and I reconnected with folks from my childhood who have brought a whole new level of joy to my life right now. From the train club to Facebook, to new PlanetZaya clients and mini-reunions with old girlfriends, it was a year of really great moments.

That's right, take that, 2009. And while you're down there, did I mention that just hours ago I found a missing link to my family history that has already opened the door to a whole new world of discovery about my heritage? Uh huh, that's right. So who's coming out on top now, huh?

What was that? Did you say something? Oh....my weight. Nice jab there, 2009. Well I must admit that I fell pretty far off that wagon and have been hangin' out by the side of the road (and stuffing my face) while it keeps rolling on. But let's be fair here. I had a lot going on and I'm not superhuman. I've been facing some personal demons, doing a lot of juggling, and my attention to health and fitness has suffered. But you know what? I'm not going to beat myself up about it. As a matter of fact, the clock is just about to strike 2010 and the wagon is still in sight. I've still got goals, 2009, and the important thing is that I believe in myself and I know I can reach them.

So go ahead and take your last few weak breaths, 2009. I'm done with you. I've got a whole new year of life to look forward to, and it feels good to be alive. Tomorrow is a new day, a new year, and a new decade. I'm ready to re-align my body and soul and get focused. And I'm ready for the exciting new things that lay ahead of me.

That's right, I'm ready. Or at least I will be...right after I make that hair appointment and pick up some new mascara.

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