
Day Eight-Hundred Thirty Six

I live with two miracles. One of them bounds around the house on a daily basis, heavy feet stomping and silky waves bouncing on his head. He addresses me as any number of female characters from any number of his favorite DVD's...and he waits for me to respond, calling him by the name of a male counterpart. "Hey Elsie???"..."Yes, Snowcat." or "Oh Sally???"..."Yes, Stickers." These are the sounds you'll hear in our house all day long. In addition to the sound of uncontrollable, tickled-little-boy laughter. The sound of kicking, screaming I-want-it-now tantrums. The sound of growling bear hugs and kisses before bed. Just the thought of him brings sighs of pride and tears of joy.

My other miracle doesn't speak, she's much softer in volume, but her presence is just as loud. She weighed less than a pound when she was born. Her tiny hand and footprints hang on the wall in the hallway of our home. We were given just hours to see her and hold her. But she's there, no matter where I go. Her name is known to people all over the world. She's introduced me to new friends and brought me closer to my family. Just the thought of her brings sighs of pride and tears of joy.

Today, on Zaya's birthday, I celebrate four jam-packed, amazing years of life for my superstar son. And today, on Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day, I remember and honor the brief seconds of life for my daughter Elena, the shining light.

To my two miracles...thank you. Mommy loves you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zaya and Elena are gifts from God, both miracles, and impacting their family in such awesome ways. Both are little messengers of God's grace and love. Both point us to Him. Happy birthday Big Boy Zaya. You and Elena fill our hearts to overflowing. What blessings little lives bring their nana and papa....every moment, every day.