
Day Nine Hundred Forty-Seven

It's 11:09pm and I just prepped a brisket for the slow cooker. It almost sounds like I know what I'm talking about, huh? I should've been an actress.

Not only that, but I sat down and planned out a few different meals for the week. Then proceeded to write out a shopping list to include items I would need for several entrees that I plan to prepare. As if that weren't enough, Zaya and I took a trip to the grocery store, where we actually walked each aisle and filled up our cart with the necessary fixin's and some healthy snacks.

This is getting a little out of hand. Domestication be damned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are going in the right direction. the brisket smelled wuuuuunnderful--
it takes a little doing, but hey, it is worth the effort.
home cooking is really the only way you know what you are eating....congratulations! ma