
Day 322: Weigh In

Ok, so I had expected to be up about five pounds this week, after all of my fun family indulgence and stress eating. Thankfully I'm only up .8 of a pound. Somewhat disappointing after five continuous weeks of loss, but it could have been SO much worse.

Then I come home to record my weight on the WW website and in perusing my membership book, I see that I weighed 172.2 on January 20th and today I'm at 171. In about five months, I'm only down 1.2 pounds.

Resume disappointment.

I still know I'll get there, just let me have my moment.

The answer is pretty simple, actually...just follow the program. That's what our meeting was all about today. You'd think it goes without saying, but apparently we all need to be reminded every single day. Today Jim asked the basic questions like, are you tracking everything you eat? Are you aware of your portion intake? Are you stopping when you're satisfied? And the general consensus in the room was..."weeeeelllllllllll.....sometimes....maybe...." And I'm right there with 'em. I have to get focused and start writing everything down again. And I have to stop thinking I can trick my body by estimated the amounts I'm eating. I used to get excited about measuring portions. Yes, I said, EXCITED!! I guess a lot has changed.

What hasn't changed is my motivation. I'm not going back to where I came from so the only way to move is forward. Which means, if you'll excuse me, I need to go track what I've eaten today...

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