
Day Nine-Hundred Ten

Dear Mr. President-Elect Obama,
Just a short note from one lil ole' American citizen to another. You may recall that just over one month ago, you placed an important footprint on the path of our nation's history. And we were all watching. So many with tears of joy in their eyes and hope in their hearts that you will be the one to take the lemons we've haphazardly strewn about and make lemonade.

I just want you to know that I and my family are praying for you and yours. We, who did not even vote for you, will support you as our leader and respect you as an authority and a human being. Thankfully I am only responsible for myself. I cannot speak for those who so enthusiastically voted you into office and weeks later are questioning your character and leadership purely because of the minister you chose for your inaugural invocation and because of the possibility that the name "Jesus" might be uttered at this historic ceremony. I'm not that fickle. As far as I'm concerned this country, and you, face a mountain of challenges and issues, the least of which involves whether or not the Lord's name is mentioned in a (GASP! Non-demoninational deity or spirit-like being forbid) prayer.

So as we approach this most momentous occasion, remember that there are some out there who are with you, looking to a brighter tomorrow for all of us, not ready to tear you down in an instant for making a choice that you believe in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God be with him....and us. We are at a momentous time in our civilization. I am used to seeing "God Bless America" but the other day I saw "America Bless God." It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to what I was seeing and my mind to what that could mean. America Bless God. How can a nation that largely ignores, blasphemes, and hates any mention of Him, bless Him? I guess it is for those of us who know Him to Bless Him. So We know Him. But can we Bless Him? - stel