
Day One Hundred Twenty-Six

Well, I survived it. The big Thanksgiving feast. I'm pretty positive that I overindulged a bit. The nice thing is that I only had one plate, did not go back for seconds and thirds as in years past. I didn't even eat anything later in the day...usually there would be another helping at dinner time. But this year, I ate what I wanted to and was satisfied. The satisfaction I have within myself and for my accomplishments just made everything taste twice as good.

Then came today...the day after Thanksgiving is always one I look forward to. No, I am not a shopper, you won't find me in any 5am lines on Black Friday. For me the day after the holiday is a rest, the real vacation. And today was just that. Jon went to a volleyball game and then out to the OC to work on a video project, so it was just team Carrie and Zaya. The house was quiet. I read some of the book that's been sitting on my night table. I revisited my favorite Jon Cusack movies. I lounged...something I NEVER get to do. This day has been a long time coming.

I also spent a little time looking at photographs of myself and my family and friends. It occurred to me that those of you following along at home who don't see me regularly are probably curious what a weight loss of almost 39 lbs. looks like. I've talked so much about changes, both physical and emotional, but it's really hard to visualize. So I've decided to post a visual progress report here. The following are photos taken almost exactly six months apart. The photo on the left was taken on May 16th, 2006 and the one on the right was taken yesterday morning, November 23rd. I'm doing this as much for myself as I am for you. When I look in the mirror, my eyes go directly to the flaws and faults. This is a good way for me to remind myself where I am and where I've been.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I am so proud of you! The before and after is so amazing and SUCH a great way to show yourself how far you really come.

And...I'm quite envious of your willpower to refrain from seconds, thirds etc. I guess I brought up the rear for you on that one. Whoooopsie!