Boy, that 0.4 really messed with my head! I've been slacking. Haven't tracked what I've been eating since that weigh-in day and exercise has been minimal at best. Granted, there's a bunch of soot and ash floating around in the air outside and it looks like we live on the Red Planet right now, so that's hindered exercise a bit. But mainly, I'm having a mental block.
So easy to slip with this whole weight battle. Too easy. Got caught up in the moment and lost sight of the big picture for a bit. And then the rest of it comes...started to get anxious about the next weigh-in, convincing myself that I'm gonna gain. So mental! If it were just about the weight, we'd all be fine.
Anyhow, I'm getting back on track. Gotta leave yesterday right where it is and keep going.
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1 comment:
I am trying to figure out what I am feeling. Weight and me--shame and weight--not trying hard enough and weight--weight, weight, weight.
It helps that we are on the same road...what a journey, though. Not for the faint of heart. Hang in there, my wee beauty. I love you.
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