

In all the disappointment of my weigh-in weekend, I failed to mention that just the day before I had made a quick trip to Target and purchased a pair of well-fitting size 10 Mossimo jeans. This may not seem all that news-worthy to most, until you realize that I began this journey at a size 20. I think the last time I fit into a size 10 was probably at about the age of...10! Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. But trust me, it was a long time ago.

Considering that all along I've imagined I would end up at a size 8, I'm a pretty happy gal. So long 20...


Anonymous said...

Cannot get over the difference. But I guess it is the difference between being a 20 and a 10. No wonder.
That kid is a cutie! I thank God for both of you--

Anonymous said...

I WAS TRYING TO ORDER A NECKLACE BUT CANT SEEM TO GET INTO THE EMAIL if possible can you send me an email or go to myspace and email there thank you so so much Rhonda