
Day Ninety-Four: This One's For You

Just came back from the power walk. Tonight's walk was split right down the middle. During the first half, I was still feeling fat. I kept touching my stomach as if the 31.8 lbs. had reappeared and played a trick on me. Like they were back from vacation. I was frustrated with my stomach, imagining that I'll continue to lose weight but it will remain in place. Was having a lot of illogical thoughts.

When I got to the end of the bike path and turned around, it struck me that these exercise sessions are way less emotional than they used to be. I started out the summer literally crying as I walked, listening to the waves, thinking about all the feelings that were tied to my weight. Wondering how I had gotten to that point. But I really enjoy the walk now, get energized, live in the present. And I realized that I owe much of the transformation of my thoughts to you.

Yes, you. This blog is dedicated to you, the readers. The ones who've lined my path with smiles and hugs and congratulations. Those of you who leave me comments and those who lurk in the shadows. You've sent me cards and e-mails, called me on the phone, sent me exercise and diet tips. You've listened to me babble on about WW meetings and feeling fat. And through it all you've helped change my perspective on myself. You've embraced me, the real me, and made me feel like a regular person. Like I'm not a lesser than. I never knew that I could make it this far. And with your support I know I can make it all the way.

So take a bow, it's your moment in the spotlight. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You'll never really know how much a part of me you are.


Anonymous said...

I like the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Saw a good friend yesterday, Lee, and she has never had a weight problem. Has gained about 10 pounds from stress eating. Loved how I looked and asked how I felt. "Thank you and WONDERFUL." She is concerned also about her hubby who has hx of health problems and wants him to lose weight. Told her about WW and both our spouses (plural: spice?)jumped on board when they saw us doing our thing. How the word spreads and goes out to others who are struggling. Whether it is 70, or 10 pounds--it can and is a struggle. Weight is individual to its bearer--no one has it easy. Glad that inspiring others is a part of the WW package.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of support . . . you may want to invest in some new pants. Or at the very least, a belt. They aren't staying up because you're so skinny now, and as much as I enjoy female underwear, I just don't know if the work place is an appropriate place to have them on display :)

Also, I'm so insanely proud of you! You are amazing, and an inspiration in so many ways.