
Day Ninety-Three

Yes, it's really day 93. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one. As much as I'd like to backtrack and fill you in on days 90-92, it's not possible at the moment. Frankly, I can't even remember. So we'll cover the highlights.

Saturday was Weigh-In day. I went down one pound last week for a total loss so far of 31.8 lbs. I'm down to 181.6. Never thought I'd see the day. These days I'm allowing myself more treats and using more of my weekly allowance points. I'm more accepting of the "long haul" concept now. And of the fact that the rate of loss will slow down a bit. That's all part of it. I used to give up on the thought of ever losing weight because I was discouraged that it wouldn't happen quickly enough. But what sense does it make to not try at all? It's taken me awhile to come to that realization.

I'm also finding comfort in sharing my experiences with people around me that are also making choices to be healthy. Jon is right on track, down about 16 lbs. My friend J is working out and losing weight. I just talked with my cousin in Massachusetts yesterday and she was mentioning losing 10 pounds just because she actually reads the nutrition facts on foods at the market now.

Exercise has been a little haphazard recently because of changing schedules. Last night we went for dinner at the parents house and as we were leaving Jon said, "Are you gonna use the treadmill?" And I very vehemently said, "No." Because I didn't feel like it. But after eating and watching him work out, I felt sorta disgusted with myself. I mean I had the time and opportunity right there, why not take it? So I did. Ended up walking 3 miles in 50 minutes and felt really great afterwards.

Every day is something new. Sometimes encouraging, sometimes discouraging, but always learning.

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