
Day Eighty

The word is svelte.

May I have the definition?

Slender or graceful in figure or outline; slim.

The origin please?

French, from Italian, svelto.

Can I have it in a sentence please?

"Carrie, you are looking very svelte these days (an actual comment overheard at work today)."

S-V-E-L-T-E, svelte.

That is correct.


Ogre said...

Who the hell talks like that? Wait....nevermind I went to an LA City School

Anonymous said...

Internalize it! Run with it!

Anonymous said...

So I'm going through the list of co-workers and I can't think of any with a vocabulary like that. You sure her me right when I said, "Carrie, she's looking sweeeeeeeeet!"

Anonymous said...

"You sure you heard me right when I said..."

I have to stop trying to "multitask". I've been told I'm no good at it anyway...