
Day Sixty-Three

Almost packed for Fresno. The house is ready for Zaya's weekend visitors, Nana and Papa. Very ready to have three days off in a row. And looking forward to the meeting tomorrow morning. Feeling somewhat heavy, but that's normal for me on the eve of weigh in. I still expect the worst sometimes. Finished out the week with thirteen points to spare. I only exercised twice this week, so I'm curious about the effects of that.

Feeling very content at the moment. New things and changes every day. I find that I welcome change now. It used to be a fear, now it's refreshing because I know what it's like to stay still too long.

Here's to a working weekend that will hopefully turn into a mini-vacation. For you faithful followers out there, I'm bringing my laptop. (Yes, Grady, just for you)


1 comment:

Ogre said...

Woooo hoooo I commented