
Day 77: Weigh In

Another milestone...30 lbs! 30.8 to be exact. Once again, a week with some "off-program" eating (ie Fair Food) and because of our crazy schedule, only one exercise day. So I'll take this week's 1.2 lb. loss, no complaints.

As you may have guessed, much of our time at WW meetings is spent talking about food. Seems logical. And in the minutes before and after the meeting, you'll find all the ladies sharing recipes and tips about good food finds. This morning Jim shared a couple of soup recipes, which reminded me how much I love this time of year.

Yes, it's soup weather. The transition from summer to fall has always been my absolute favorite. I was the weird kid who liked school, maybe that has something to do with it. But the change in the weather and the move indoors is sort of a comfortable quiet for me. Although I have to admit, after what has been one amazing summer, the warmest season now comes in at a close second. This year has been like a great recipe that I can't wait to share - a cup of self-examination, two cups of healing, a pinch of learning, and a dash of letting go. Not to mention the seasoning of reclaiming old friendships and embracing new ones.

It always seems that when I make it to this time of year, I'm left wondering where it all went. Not this year, though. For the first time in, well, ever, I was paying attention. I remember the moments, the breakthroughs. And I grasp onto the resulting memories. It's all too important to let it slide by.


Anonymous said...

Stel was just thinking the same thing this morning about this time of the year. She loves it. Big difference is that Stel hated school, but loved the early morning feeling with the cold in the air and the sun just beginning to break through. She remembers her mom drying her brothers' socks with the oven door open (the socks hanging nearby on the chair). No dryers in those days--it is remembrance of simpler times--She remembers going to school, seeing old friends, and wearing the one of two dresses she got new for the school year. Remembers her brown bag lunch--walks to and from with friends.
Stel didn't see your award presented yesterday?! Did Jim forget? Congratulations to you---
Thought you made it past 30--Geez what a story you have to tell and have been telling. So Proud.

margeebutt said...