
Day 84: Weigh In

"Maintain." That's WW-speak for not losing or gaining any weight. I stayed exactly the same for one week, still at 182.6. Maintaining is a funny thing. You are somewhat disappointed that you didn't lose anything, not even an ounce, but you're also ecstatic that you didn't gain anything...not even an ounce.

The maintain experience is a new one for me, but one that I saw coming. I can honestly say after having a really nice week and enjoying our anniversary so much, I'm not bothered by it. However, I will say that the idea of "maintaining" puts me a focused frame of mind for a new week.

The meeting was great, as always. Such a nice group of people. Yes, mainly women. Jim is starting a cookbook club. He sent a new cookbook home with one of the ladies to try out a few recipes and then take notes on what her favorites are. Then she can pass it on to someone else, and so on. I suggested that she actually bring in samples of the recipes to the next meeting. Considering that I don't cook, but I do in fact eat, I figure that's the best way for me to benefit from this deal. Don't you agree? :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maintaining -- the important thing is to know "why." And you do. Ya know "Grace" from the meeting? I don't think she gets it yet. So darn cute, but no clue. Not bad mouthing a fellow WWer--just think its interesting how she thinks, or doesn't think.
Yeah I'm a snot.