
Day 36: Weigh-In

I've made it to one of my own personal milestons...under 200! I weighed in at 199 lbs. 6 oz. Can't remember the last time I was at this weight, but I'm sure it was more than ten years ago. I lost 2 lbs. 4 oz. this week, needless to say I'm ecstatic!

For the "Science of WW" portion of the program, my daily allowance of points now drops from 26 to 24. As Mama would say, you lose weight and are penalized by having points taken away. Ha! Actually, there is a chart to follow just to ensure that your body is getting the intake of fuel it needs, no more, no less. For weights between 175-199 pounds, the allotment is 24 points. My next big milestone in this area will be when I read 174 lbs. and my points drop to 22. I've never been so happy to have food taken away.

The meeting was great today. Lot's of good discussion about how mental this process is. I brought up that I can look in the mirror and notice a physical change, but quickly convince myself that I must be imagining it. Another woman mentioned that when she started the program, she lost four pounds and her only conclusion was, " I must be sick." These thoughts truly fascinate me. Why are we more willing to believe irrational thoughts than we are to accept the practical notion of success?

Emotions and thoughts are such powerful things. Keeping 'em in check is a big challenge sometimes. But such great learning experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wonderful. I press on, as well. I think these last two weeks have been a couple of my most difficult. Weird. Just Weird.
Congratulations on losing 2 POINTS! It is a great program. WW does its part;I have to do mine.