
Day Fifty-Four

So I mentioned yesterday that you can eat real food on WW. Some people still haven't been clear on what I mean by "real food." So here's a list of some of foods that have fast become this Weight Watcher's best friend:

Golden Spoon frozen yogurt - 8 oz., any flavor, is 3 points
WW Fudgecicles - 1 point each
Jello Sugar Free Pudding Cups - 1 point each
Trader Joe's fajitas - 5 points for the WHOLE BAG
Oatmeal - 2 points per packet
Nonfat milk - 2 points per cup
Subway roast beef sandwich - 5 points
Quizno's Honey Bourbon Chicken sandwich - 6 points
Trader Joe's Crinkle Wedge Potatoes - 2 points for 16 LARGE pieces

There are so many more things, truly. This is just a sampling. To get an idea of some point comparisons of the foods I used to eat, go back and read some early posts from July...not a pretty picture. One meal at Taco Bell or McDonald's is more than my entire daily allowance. And again, you can eat anything, really. You just have to know how to accomodate for it later in the day.

I think I failed to mention that I finally had to break down and get new pants. After trying on the same fat pants every morning, thinking they were going to fit or something was going to be different (I think this is the definition of insanity), I finally threw them in the yard sale pile and they went away. Which left me pantsless, so new pants were necessary. Target is another good friend of mine.

I'm amazed at my mental state again. How it used to be a given that I'd be fat forever, no question. And now it's a given that I'll reach my weight loss goal. I see each day as an opportunity to work toward that goal, and I don't have any doubt that I'll make it, by the grace of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fat forever. That was Stel's mantra as well, but because she is twice your age she really didn't care. But now she isn't fat--which is totally shocking, and someone might ask why she didn't do it sooner. K,(as JP would say)so no one really cares, or even thought of it but here we go, since when has that stopped Stel before?? Stel thinks that timing has much to do with it, and if one is ready to do this, and understands why, what, and how it can be done, instead of just getting "skinny" then it can and will come off.
Your understanding of your own process is so key. God is on our side--He guides our day--He wants us healthy.
One thing about eating WW way is that you learn to understand when you are hungry and when you are satisfied. Stel didn't really understand these concepts. She thought SATISFIED meant that she was satisfied that all the food on the table was eaten so that the food wouldn't get its feelings hurt! K, maybe that is an exaggeration, but that was pretty much it.
By the by, the new pants look great! You are a cutie. Real food is good, and remember: NOTHING tastes better than THIN feels! Talk about being satisfied!