
Day Forty-Two

Feeling really great at the end of another week. Ended with 15 unused weekly allowance points, and we during Jon's extended birthday week. Had a lot of laughs, saw a lot of friends and you can bet when those two things are involved, there's always food nearby.

It's nice to not be afraid of food anymore. I've always loved food, but never felt safe around it. I knew I couldn't trust myself and I was hiding so much of me from the world that food felt like just another secret. But now Jon and I are both able choose what we want to eat, even if it's not something "lowfat" because we know how to compensate for it. What's also interesting is how much our bodies have adjusted to healthier eating. I had a small taste of chili from Jon's birthday chili cheese fries and it tasted so salty and heavy. Just weeks ago I could've downed the whole plate without a single thought. Scary.

So we'll see what the scale says in the morning. I'm hoping for another little red bookmark that says I've made it to 15 lbs. But anything is still possible.

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