
Day 8: Weigh In

Didn't have a WW meeting this morning so I went to work. Right afterwards I headed to Mama's house for my own personal weigh-in. And what are the results of my first week, you ask? I've lost 2 lbs. 2oz.! Yes, it was a shock to me,too. Now I'm taking into account that it was not an "official" weight on the WW scale, but I think it's pretty reliable. Heck, I'm going with it!

I'm so thankful to have started off my first week with success. Not that I wouldn't have been able to continue the program if I hadn't lost any weight. But this was proof to myself that I can do it, if I stick with it I can reach my goal. It was proof to myself that I was not destined to be fat all my life. I can make choices, I can make changes. This is the proof that will spur me on to continue with those good choices and changes.

Jon and I discussed an exercise schedule and I think we've settled on a good regimen. Early Sunday mornings, walking the bike path at the beach. Tuesday evenings, laps around Wilson Park. And Thursday evenings, the treadmill. This is good, it gives me a break in between and helps me keep myself in check, so I don't go overboard. The last thing I need is to have my body start compensating for too much exercise.

Week two is off to a good start. If someone asks me what my secret is, I'm gonna tell them it's the WW fudgecicles. Those things are so my friend right now.

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