
Day Four

Yes, I am aware that I chose to start WW three days before July 4th, the biggest diet challenge next to Thanksgiving and Christmas. But it's really ok. Really. I had set aside some extra points for "wiggle room," if you will. And as it turned out, some old friends dropped by our BBQ and we spent so much time laughing and playing catch up that my focus was taken off the food. I mean I ate, but I ate normal portions and didn't have to have one of everything (like I usually do). It felt great.

I also have to note that making lifestyle changes, even simple ones, seemed so impossible before and now it's no big thing. I've switched to drinking non-fat milk. I eat much healthier meals and snacks with less fat. And amazingly enough, I GET FULL! Not gorged, just full and content. I think my body is thanking me.

Anyhow, it was a fantastic holiday spent with close friends that we love. My focus was where it should be, on the people, the moments, the memories. Not the food.

Amen to that.

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