
Day Nineteen

Some things happened today that I hadn't thought about when I jumped aboard the S.S. Weight Watchers:
  1. My wedding ring is loose. Not so loose that it's going to fall off or anything, but it slides on my finger much more freely. I hadn't considered that this might happen at all. Who thinks about losing weight in their fingers?
  2. I got my first totally unprovoked, "Carrie, have you lost weight?" from someone who had no idea I was on WW. Talk about surprising and unexpected. It felt good to say, "Yes, I have!" I was at work and my co-worker said she was asking because my pants looked loose. Which leads to...
  3. My pants are loose. Never did I think that after losing only 5 pounds I'd be walking around pulling my pants up all day. It feels good to know there are now physical results, but the pulling up of the pants routine is just plain funny.
  4. I got full before eating everything on my plate. I had the same amount of food that I normally do, all the ounces measured out and the points calculated, but I couldn't finish it because I was full. What a concept! It is possible that my stomach is responding to my new portions and better food? I suppose so.
This whole experience is so interesting to me. I have emotionally charged days like yesterday and then comes a day like today, when I notice the practical things. I'm really glad I'm documenting this because I want to be able to look back on Day 214 and see the things I've learned and overcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stel still cleans her plate and would lick it if no one was looking.
BUT she too, understands that being "full" or "satisfied" doesn't mean rolling around on the ground groaning from pain. Glad that you are learning these things in your youth!