

The plan I'm following with Weight Watchers is called the Flex Plan. It assigns a points value to all of the foods you eat based on the dietary fiber content, calories and fat grams. For my current weight, I am allowed 26 points per day and I can dip into a "weekly allowance" of 35 extra points if I feel the need. The program provides exactly the right amount of structure and is really helping me learn more about the food I've been eating all these years.

Case in point -
My typical after church lunch from Taco Bell used to be:
2 Supreme Chalupas = 10 points each
1 Mexican Pizza = 13 points

That's 33 points folks! Yes, you read that right, 33 POINTS!!! That's way more than my entire daily allowance!

What an eye opener. It never really felt like I was overeating or anything. It's not like I would gorge myself. But seeing the types of things I was eating, I can totally see this program working for me.

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