
Day Sixteen

Got through most of the day today without really thinking about weight. That's sorta landmark for me. We had a great beach walk this morning, everything seemed to be in alignment. Did fine with my points. Went to church and then had a nice afternoon out to the movies, just Jon and I. Maybe the landmark was going see a movie without stopping by the concession stand first. That never used to happen. And it didn't seem to hinder our movie-watching experience.

Being on WW has just become part of my life now. It's not dominating my thoughts, I just eat what I know I should eat. I'm starting to get to know the points values on different foods without having to look them up each time, so that helps.

It's kinda nice not to have too much to report.

Over and out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that I saved every one of my bookmarks!
I have so many that I probably could make an art project out of them--Maybe a photo frame for one of my previous "headshots"-- we'll see.