
Day Eleven

It's pretty amazing how many snacks you can find at the market that are low in fat, and therefore, low in points. And they're things I would normally like to eat, but usually don't pay much attention to. Like yogurt, pudding, low cal muffins. This WW plan is really not bad eating.

Had the worst exercise experience thus far. Specifically, my calves were already hurting by the time we arrived at the park (only a three block walk from our house). Needless to say after 30 minutes (1 1/2 laps) it was a welcomed surprise to run into our cousins and one of my co-workers there. We took a break to chat and then took a brisk walk home. Not as many activity points as usual, but better than nothing.

Talked to two friends at work today and felt very confident in sharing with them that I've started WW. Amazing to me because they are two of the slimmest people there, which would usually intimidate me. It's funny how it's so much easier to tell an overweight person when you've started a weight loss program. Telling a slim person can feel embarrassing. But they were both so genuinely supportive, it felt good.

Looking forward to Saturday again. I feel like I'm on the right track, in a groove, if you will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stel hates exercise and will only do what she knows she will be able to keep up with, by God's grace.

In Stel's office there are a bunch of individuals with "weight" issues. It was easy to tell them that she began a program, but then when she began to lose weight, it was hard to keep sharing her joy that the hard work was paying off becaue she felt that it would make them feel bad that they weren't doing something. So, it goes both ways. It is just a weird thing, Stel thinks.