
Day Forty-four

Got back on track with the early Sunday morning walks today. Boy did I miss it! I didn't realize how much until we got out to the beach. And I was a really good girl with my food intake today. We had a picnic/potluck after church and there were lots of things to choose from. Lots of fatty things, that is. I had a burger patty without the bun, the chinese chicken salad that I love so much, some barbecue beans and a low-fat pasta salad that was very tasty (made by a fellow WW).

For a quick minute I thought about going back for second helpings, and I could have, but I remembered something we talked about at the meeting yesterday...changing behaviors. Being on WW is not just about seeing how many things you can "get away with" within your points. It's not a game of cheating. It's about making choices that will benefit you in the long run, changing the way you approach food and the role it plays in your life. Many people mistakenly believe it's about making food the enemy, but in actuality, for most of us in WW, food starts out as the enemy, that's why we're there in the first place. The program helps you make food an enjoyable part of life, not a controlling factor.

Got several comments from people at church. Most notably, people are seeing the weight loss in my face. That means so much to me. Not that I don't want to lose weight elsewhere, but my round face has always bothered me. I'm starting to be able to visualize what goal will look like for me. It's pretty exciting. I'm also realizing that I'm in denial a little about having lost over 17 lbs. That's such a significant number, it's like I can't believe that it happened already. It's only been six weeks! But the more I think about it, the more motivated I am to continue, because it'll just get better and better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Geez, you're deep.
One time months ago during the program Stel was "worried" about a luncheon she had coming up during the week. WORRIED! About the tempting foods, the choices she would make, yadayadayadayadayada.
She had GIVEN HER POWER AWAY to the FOOD! Literally, because previously food rendered her powerless. Well, I finally told her "You make the choices; you can eat or not eat whatever you want! The food is not going to jump in your mouth. You are in control of this." Being in control and not out of control is a wonderful feeling. And by God's grace she did it, and is doing it, and so are you.
Stel got a lot of compliments yesterday also, partly because she was wearing her grandson's picture on her shirt, but still compliments that people were nice enough to share. She told one person, "but I am eating so well on this program!" and I am! I really don't miss anything--and what I eat tastes so much better.
Anyway, enough of that--Stel should really start her own blog but she wants to piggyback (no pun intended) on yours for the time being.
Anyway, you're deep, waaaaaay deep.
In the "business" we'd say you are a very high functioning, insightful client! Waaaaay deep! Geez.
PS Stel met a real Stella at the party yesterday. How funny! And her cousin's name is Priscilla! Yikes!