
Day Seventeen

Today I experienced a test of my consciousness when it comes to eating. My stress level was a little higher than usual during the afternoon and I quickly became aware that my first inkling was to go to the kitchen and eat everything I could find. Really, everything. I could picture myself sitting down with a bag of chips, some ice cream and a whole box of WW snacks. And when it hit me that I was feeling this, I realized that there were times in the past when I DID run around eating everything. I just wasn't conscious about what I was doing. Awareness is very important.

We're planning to hit the beach tomorrow night for our Tuesday walk. I've been feeling like something's missing on the days that I don't exercise, but I don't want to overdo it. I think three times a week for 60 minutes is a good regimen for me right now. We'll see if my body continues to respond.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Important Step in this process:
Carrie is learning about Carrie.
Another step, making good choices.
Stress will always be there: good and bad stress, but how we handle it is the key. Yippppeeeeee!
Stel was excited the first time she realized she was full! For you non WWers you may think what?
But yep, full. Satisfied. Stel had to learn that after 59 years.