
Day Six

"Enter by the narrow gate... Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life..." —Matthew 7:13-14
This is the scripture from one of my daily devotionals. How true it rings, about so many different things. It's interesting how much time, effort and money we will spend on every weight loss product or service that promises results for little to no work. Those promises are empty almost every single time, but we'll keep going back, because we're more inclined to not do the work. I should know, I was like that for years.

But there comes a point when you really get tired of all the Lindora commercials on TV and the Hoodia e-mails in your inbox. Because down inside you know that the way to get results is the time tested method of putting in "an honest days work for an honest days pay." It ain't easy and it won't happen overnight, but given time and commitment, you can reach your goal.

Today I tried the treadmill for the first time. I'm really racking up a variety of activity points. When I first got started I thought, "this is not for me." Being in one place made me feel like I wasn't getting anywhere and being inside just made me twice as hot and sweaty. But within minutes, I found myself in a rhythm that felt pretty good. And within forty minutes I had walked two miles at 3mph.

For the first time today I found myself checking the mirror to see if I could notice anything. A few seconds later I realized how silly it is to be looking for results that quickly. I had to go back and read the title again...it's only Day Six. That was a reminder that I have chosen the narrow gate, but it's the one that leads to life. Not to mention that there are already evident results on the inside. That much I know for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job! Yes, it works from the inside out--truly. In your heart, in your mind and spirit. It would be much more of a struggle to me if the reverse were true--because permanent weight loss or change of any kind always comes from deep within us. Scripture always says, "Renew my mind," "Change my heart." I have never read "remove my fat, O Lord." If He just removed my fat without my involvement, I'd just find more fat! Cause there's plenty of that out there to find. And I am an expert!
Keep up the great work. I love you